Space clearing is an ancient technique that helps to clear and revitalize energies in a space. Energies can over time become negative and heavily imprinted into surrounding furniture, decor,walls and other interior objects that we live or work around. Space clearing is a ritual found in almost every traditional or native culture. It works on deeper levels by cleansing and purifying the energy of a building, transforming stagnant energy into clear, vibrant, flowing energy.
In Holistic Interior Design and Feng Shui we believe it is important to do space clearings. Many people do them seasonally but you can do them anytime you feel it is needed in your space.
Why you may need a Space Clearing…
Space can be subjected to geopathic stresses, negative energy radiations, and electrical discharges. Every thought, word and action has an energy and can lodge itself in the very fabric of your place of work, or home. Space clearing will remove the negative energies and an immediate change in the atmosphere will usually be felt.
Why does one person easily succeed, and why does one person seem to struggle? Why is one person happy about life, and eager about tomorrow, and another anxious about tomorrow no matter how much success he or she has? Is the problem in the world we can see or in the unseen energies? The power of focused, directed, coherent thoughts to change the expression of energy at its most basic quantum level.
Space clearing addresses:
EMF Radiation
Negative energies and motivations
Discordant energy held on others (neighbors, competitors etc)
Morphic fields/discordant memories
Blocking energies
Electrical discharges
Geopathic stress
Predecessor energies (vibrations left by others or previous owners)
Many people are choosing to make space clearing part of their regular maintenance program so that their space is energetically and physically, clean and clear.We have all experienced walking into a room where two people have just been engaged in an argument where we could literally feel the dark, heavy atmosphere present in the room. Our lives mirror our environment and our homes mirror who we are, and where we are standing vibrationally. More often than not, whenever there is a shift in consciousness, we feel compelled to change one or more aspects of our lives, thus reflecting our new state of being.
Space clearing before moving into a new home is considered a vital first step for many. Since energy is always changing, it is important to remember that this is reflected within our space.
Here are some examples of when you might consider space clearing:
When you move into a new home or business to clear out the energy of the previous occupants.
After or during physical or psychological illness. If you or a family member have been ill the vibration of the home will be affected.
After big life changes. Bereavements, separations, divorce or a change in job are major stress factors in our lives.
Clearing conflict if you have had any violent arguments or quarrels within the home, these can leave a tangible mark. If you have been burgled or robbed this can leave a very negative, tangible feeling in a space.
Making a fresh start. This can set the tone for new enterprises, new relationships and a whole new beginning that is not tied to the past.
Enhancing your inner development. Clear, free-flowing energy may draw you to a new, higher level of expression.
If your business turnover is suffering, if you keep losing money and/or employees, then it would be wise to have an energetic clearing. Space clearing consultations are offered locally in the Las Vegas area. The space clearing fee is $199 for homes or businesses 3000 square feet or less. It takes approximately 2 hours onsite to preform a full space clearing for spaces that are under 3000 square feet. To find out more, schedule a phone meeting with Rochiel to discuss your needs at 702.354.6809