This individual elemental analysis was featured in the LAS VEGAS REVIEW JOURNAL in 2008. This is NOT a KUA report, very few people are trained in the specific analysis. This Unique Elemental Analysis is a similar holistic approach that Acupuncturists use to balance and promote overall health and well-being. This unique elemental testing reveals specific elements current affecting your dominant nature and will suggest the appropriate balances to help promote harmony and enhanced sense of well being in your home or office.
Receive you online elemental analysis: $29
Acupuncturists determine the current state of the body’s elemental nature and then seek to balance the elements through certain Acupuncture applications. This report should be used as a reference guide to see what currently should be added to your living and working environment based on your unique elemental nature findings. This report will give special consideration to the current elemental nature the testing has revealed. Everyone’s elemental nature is unique to them. Most people have a combination of many elements but there is usually one major dominant element they express to the outside world and another dominant element that is their true hidden nature.
A person’s elemental testing will often change as they grow and feel more comfortable or less comfortable in their current life circumstances and/or space. It is often recommend that elemental testing be redone at least every year. This yearly check up will help you to find out what is needed and should be adjusted in an environment to feel supported and happy. This report is just one tool you can use to balance your life and environment.
An elemental test does not outweigh the total benefits you receive when you hire a Certified Feng Shui Consultant to evaluate the uniqueness of your space. Certified Feng Shui Consultants have a trained sense and eye that enables them to evaluate your space on many levels. A Certified Feng Shui Consultant is able to identify subconscious messages present in a space. These subconscious messages can be working in your best interest or might be working against you and your goals, so a space should be seen by a professional to ensure all the components have been addressed to promote maximum success and well-being. Some consultants are not certified so check their training and credentials; however many like myself are certified and have trained and studied under Masters from all over the world.
Feng Shui Las Vegas wants to make products available worldwide that anyone can easily afford. If your goal is to create healthier environment for yourself or can be a GIVE to loved one as a house warming gift. When you purchase the elemental analysis will emailed a brief questionnaire. After you complete the questionnaire your Elemental Analysis report will be emailed to you providing you with many unique suggestions you can apply to your environment that will be tailored specifically for you.